We have all read the latest statistics about the growing problem of obesity in our country. In 1999, an estimated 61 percent of U.S. adults were overweight, along with 13 percent of children and adolescents. Obesity among adults has doubled since 1980, while overweight among adolescents has tripled. Approximately 300,000 U.S. deaths a year currently are associated with obesity and overweight conditions. Despite these statistics the problem continues to grow. The information here will provide you with some new and interesting information about weight loss. It will also present some hints and tips to help begin steady weight loss as well as ideas on how to maintain a healthy weight. The basics of weight loss start with eat less and exercise more. Even though we all understand this, we still have a huge problem losing weight. There is no easy answer. There is no magic pill. But there is something that can help you lose weight naturally and effectively as well as benefit your health. This is the HealthStep® by Ginacor. When we are not fully eliminating toxins and waste from our bowels, we feel bloated, sluggish, tired and generally swollen. We do not receive all the nutrition from our food because our system is backed up. This sense of fatigue and tiredness makes us feel hungry for food on our quest for energy. Squatting with the HealthStep® helps fully eliminate the waste and toxins from the body so we feel energized, lighter, thinner and healthier. This just makes sense. Squatting with the HealthStep® by Ginacor along with a reduced calorie diet and smart exercise program, makes weight loss easier and more permanent. |
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Individual results may vary. The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. | © Ginacor, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of copyright owner is prohibited. The creators, producers, participants and distributors of this program do not assume liability for injury or loss in connection with this device (the HealthStep®) and instructions therein. | Top of Page |