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12/7/04 - FDA approves HealthStep bathroom device.

Seattle, Washington, December 7, 2004 – Ginacor, Inc. received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for its HealthStep™ bathroom device as an aid to effective elimination. The patent-pending HealthStep™ helps anyone eliminate easier, especially those who suffer from constipation, hemorrhoids, bloating or other more serious bowel disorders.

Doctors have long reported that the best position for achieving effective elimination is the squatting position. The squatting tradition is now enjoying resurgence in the bathroom thanks to a medical device manufacturing company based in Seattle, WA. The “movement” has begun with the ingenious invention by Ginacor, The HealthStep™.

The HealthStep is an anatomically engineered device with precisely angled foot rests that when used, positions the body for more effective and complete elimination while maintaining the comfort and convenience of the modern toilet.

Using the HealthStep™ reduces pressure in the anal and rectal veins, straightens the colon, opens the pelvic area and allows both gravity and gentle pressure from the diaphragm to do the work of expelling intestinal contents without excess straining. Less stress and strain along with more effective elimination can help those suffering from constipation, bloating, hemorrhoids and other colon issues.

Now with the HealthStep™, Ginacor has opened the door on the most private room in the house to improve the whole necessary experience. While this patent pending device may be a perfect subject for potty humor, its availability is cause for rejoicing among the millions plagued by elimination problems.

Consumers spend billions of dollars annually on over-the-counter and prescription remedies for these problems that may be more easily relieved and prevented by using Ginacor’s simple-to-use device. Dr. Bradley Nelson; Salt Lake City, Utah, said, ”Using a device like the HealthStep is one thing you can easily do that really makes a difference. You can do a simple thing like this and live healthier and function better.”Monica Eve Jones, Ginacor’s President and a noted speaker on health issues said, “We are pleased with the FDA’s approval of the HealthStep™ as a 510K exempt, Class 1 Medical Device. Our customers tell us they love the HealthStep™, even people without medical problems say they feel better when they use it. We’re delighted to know that our product is improving people’s quality of life.”

The HealthStep™ is available now without prescription on-line at www.healthstep.com and will be sold thru healthcare providers, medical supply stores and online catalogs in early 2005.

For information contact Monica Eve Jones, L.Ac. MAcOM at 1-206-769-3799.
Ginacor, Inc is a privately held company located in Seattle, Washington, whose mission is developing medical products and devices that improve daily life.

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  Individual results may vary. The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.     © Ginacor, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of copyright owner is prohibited. The creators, producers, participants and distributors of this program do not assume liability for injury or loss in connection with this device (the HealthStep®) and instructions therein.